Technical Animal Rescue in Swiftwater (TAR)

This course teaches students how to rescue animals without becoming victims. Subjects covered include rescuer safety, animal behavior in rescues, basic first-aid for animals, and how to extricate and safely transport animals in a flood or low angle environment.

Contact Hours

24 hours


Minimum age: 18
Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician (SRT)

Qualification valid for

3 years


Water and Flood Awareness (AWR)
Swiftwater and Flood Awareness Online (AWRO)
Basic Water First Responder (BWFR)
Operations: Swiftwater and Flood First Responder (OPS)
Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician (SRT)
Technical Animal Rescue in Swiftwater (TAR)
Water Specialty Course Recertification

Recerted by

Technical Animal Rescue in Swiftwater (TAR)
Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician (SRT)
Water Specialty Course Recertification

Taught by

Technical Animal Rescue in Swiftwater Instructor (TARI)