Searching Rivers and Floods (SRF)

This four day course examines the initial first response actions to be undertaken, progressing through to extended searching activities, and concludes with search suspension considerations.

It is specifically designed for agencies responding to water based searches but will also give the student a wider insight into the overall search management process. There is an emphasis on the development of in-water techniques appropriate to the flooded urban environment and river corridor searches. Particular emphasis is placed upon the use of mapping and GPS technology to interpret and manage the search area so that resources can be deployed appropriately. Safety considerations and dynamic risk assessment are emphasized throughout the class.

Contact Hours

32 hours


Qualification valid for

3 years


Water and Flood Awareness (AWR)
Swiftwater and Flood Awareness Online (AWRO)
Basic Water First Responder (BWFR)
Operations: Swiftwater and Flood First Responder (OPS)
Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician (SRT)
Searching Rivers and Floods (SRF)
Water Specialty Course Recertification

Recerted by

Searching Rivers and Floods (SRF)
Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician (SRT)
Water Specialty Course Recertification

Taught by

Searching Rivers and Floods Instructor (SRFI)