Swiftwater Recovery Specialist (SRS)

With a curriculum designed by international experts, this one day course is specially-designed for those already certified to the Swiftwater Rescue Technician level (current certification required). It explores the complexities and techniques of body recovery from shallow depth swiftwater environments.

This advanced course was developed by the New Zealand branch of Northwest Rescue based on input from subject experts around the globe. This course is the only one of its kind, and has received international attention based on its comprehensive and thoughtful approach to the subject matter. Northwest Rescue New Zealand describes the history and launch of this course on their blog.

Contact Hours

16 hours


Qualification valid for

3 years


Water and Flood Awareness (AWR)
Swiftwater and Flood Awareness Online (AWRO)
Basic Water First Responder (BWFR)
Operations: Swiftwater and Flood First Responder (OPS)
Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician (SRT)
Swiftwater Recovery Specialist (SRS)
Water Specialty Course Recertification

Recerted by

Swiftwater Recovery Specialist (SRS)
Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician (SRT)
Water Specialty Course Recertification

Taught by

Swiftwater Recovery Specialist Instructor (SRSI)